Principles of Low-Level Laser Therapy
Lasers have played important roles in medicine for many years now, but most people have known them as surgical tools. While surgical lasers are indeed highly precise and effective, they operate at a relatively high-frequency level to cut and seal tissues. By contrast, low-level lasers (sometimes referred to as “cold” lasers) do not disrupt tissue at all; in fact, they pass right through the skin, completely harmlessly, to a depth of several centimeters. The underlying tissues receive the full benefit of this frequency range, which is known to trigger the production of ATP. ATP is a substance that gives cells the energy they need to rebuild tissues. Laser therapy, therefore, helps bodily structures repair themselves more quickly and easily than they could otherwise, giving injured or ailing pets a big boost in the healing process.
Therapeutic lasers don’t just aid tissue repair; they also ease pain naturally. The energy from the laser improves blood flow to the treatment site while also encouraging fluid drainage away from injured or inflamed tissues. This combination of attributes provides powerful pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits for animals who suffer from acute or chronic pain.
Principles of Low-Level Laser Therapy
Lasers have played important roles in medicine for many years now, but most people have known them as surgical tools. While surgical lasers are indeed highly precise and effective, they operate at a relatively high-frequency level to cut and seal tissues. By contrast, low-level lasers (sometimes referred to as “cold” lasers) do not disrupt tissue at all; in fact, they pass right through the skin, completely harmlessly, to a depth of several centimeters. The underlying tissues receive the full benefit of this frequency range, which is known to trigger the production of ATP. ATP is a substance that gives cells the energy they need to rebuild tissues. Laser therapy, therefore, helps bodily structures repair themselves more quickly and easily than they could otherwise, giving injured or ailing pets a big boost in the healing process.
Therapeutic lasers don’t just aid tissue repair; they also ease pain naturally. The energy from the laser improves blood flow to the treatment site while also encouraging fluid drainage away from injured or inflamed tissues. This combination of attributes provides powerful pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits for animals who suffer from acute or chronic pain.
Laser Treatment
Any veterinarian at Dove Mountain Veterinary can make use of laser therapy to help your pet feel and function better. We first evaluate your pet’s condition to see if it is likely to respond to this form of care. Laser therapy is commonly prescribed as a treatment for:
- Back pain
- Postoperative pain and recuperation
- Acute wounds and musculoskeletal injuries
- Gingivitis
- Degenerative disc disease
- Osteoarthritis
Our office uses a state-of-the-art Class IV therapeutic laser for all of our laser treatment sessions. This kind of laser can penetrate more deeply and cover a wider area of tissue than the older Class III lasers.